Other Projects
UCT Medical School/Groote Schuur Hospital Project

The historical Bill Hoffenberg Seminar Room at Groote Schuur Hospital was in dire need of refurbishment, challenged by very dated furnishing and IT equipment. This room is used as the prestigious preferred gathering space for Head of Divisions of GSH for seminar presentations, strategic planning, teaching and research planning. The room has much reverence, named after an iconic professor renowned for his excellent contributions to the advancement of medicine.

The upgrades have introduced the capacity to function as a Hybrid Resource offering online and in-person training and research and multiply its outreach through tertiary and professional training.

Carel Du Toit

Carel du Toit centre is where children with hearing impairment learn spoken language through the use of hearing technology, natural learning experiences and parental guidance.

Carel du Toit is the only centre in Africa that journeys with the family and the child from birth through the foundation phase and beyond. Annually the Carel du Toit Screening Unit screens 3400 high-risk newborns for hearing impairments and 200 children and their families annually engage with the Carel du Toit School, Therapies and Early Intervention programmes.

Over 60 per cent of the beneficiaries come from low- or no-income homes and donor support pays for their tuition, speech- and occupational therapies, audiological support, social services, transport, meals and aftercare.

Over the years, the Lewis Group has made regular operational donations via the CDT Trust and in 2011 made a major bricks-and-mortar donation of a classroom wing. This year (2024) the Lewis Group has pledged funding towards the extension of the existing early intervention CHAT Centre.