Apply For Funding

Download the required form to print out and fill in:

Socio-economic Development Funding Application Form

Donation Return Form
(Completed once the funding has been granted as it is not part of the application process)

Socio-economic Development Funding Online Application

Application process

In order to be considered for assistance, please ensure that the completed application form is clear and legible. It is important that all the questions are answered as extensively and clearly as possible. This will assist the SED Committee to deal with your application quickly and efficiently. You are required to attach any other documentation which is relevant and which will support your application, including proof of registration as a Public Benefit Organisation (copy of letter from SARS).

Application for funding can be submitted throughout the year and will be responded to in writing after each meeting of the SED Committee.

If your request is approved, we will require a tax exemption receipt in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

Post your completed application forms to

Socio-economic Development Department
Lewis Group Head Office
PO Box 43
Woodstock 7915

You may also email your application form to:

If you have any queries, you may contact us on 021 460 4400

How it works
Information required
  • We request the following on funding applications:
  • Contact details
  • Project description
  • Proposed objective and outcomes
  • Realistic and comprehensive budget
  • Plans for sustainability
  • What is required from our company
How we evaluate requests
  • Proven project model
  • Project sustainability
  • Transparency
  • Quality management team
  • Accountability/responsibility
  • Fits our investment strategy
  • Does the project genuinely address community issues or problems?
  • Is the project viable and socially acceptable?
  • Is the community itself prepared to commit its support for the project?
  • Is the project high risk? Is it a pilot?
  • What contributions are the various role-players expected to make?
  • The ratio of administration costs to beneficiary spend
  • The viability of the organisation
  • Exposure to reputational risk
  • Any other vital issues or consideration affecting the project
The approval process

Successful requests for significant levels of funding are presented to the funding committee for consideration. The committee consists of the SED Manager and Chief Financial Officer.

A deeper evaluation of the potential beneficiary takes place and usually requires more in-depth information from the applicant and where possible, a visit to the project. If the committee is satisfied with the additional research and outcome of the field visit, then the proposal will be approved and signed off. The projects then enter the funding stage where the company and the beneficiary organisation enter into a legally binding contract, if necessary, and arrange timelines and deliverables.